Turnstone Strategy Inc. (formerly SBM Inc.)
Our company, known until now as SBM Inc., has embarked on a rebranding exercise that will lead us toward a corporate name change, a re-messaging on the products and services we supply, and essentially a press of the “refresh” button after fourteen years in business.
Our name has become quite familiar to our long-standing clients, but for those new to us, it has always been quite non-descript and difficult to remember. In considering ways to strengthen and improve our branding, we sought high and low, literally leaving no stone unturned, for a new name. Not coincidentally, this no stone unturned- approach reflects the same tenacity we used to develop our Systems’ approach and cyclical methodology for providing guidance on price trend shifts, some 16 years ago.
When the new name was first presented during a creative brainstorming session with our marketing team, it immediately took on significance for us, with our geoscience roots. The circular nature of our methodology was captured by the turning; the stone by our geoscience background; and the turning stone by our deep researching approach and message of uncovering hidden value for our clients. We are proud to have found a name that is both memorable and meaningful to us and to our clients. You can see by the logo accompanying the name that there is indeed a stylized stone being turned and lifted upward.
Our transition to Turnstone Strategy will take place over the next three weeks. During that time period you will see our new logo & new website phased into our communications. We are very excited about this new change.
Join us in celebrating our new brand at our Calgary Foodbank charitable fundraiser breakfast presentation on December 11. The title of the presentation is: Oil And Gas Arbitrage Using Cyclical Analysis.
More details will follow.