“More Wile E Coyote Moments Still To Come??”
A Wile E Coyote moment occurs when something the market did not see coming, happens. The 2014/15 oil price collapse was an example. “Apparently no one saw that coming.” Maybe they just weren’t aware that terra firma was no longer beneath their feet.
The markets and analysts are all forecasting that a second half rally is coming. Perhaps the markets are not aware that terra firma may still not be beneath their feet.
WTI price has fallen $60.00 over the past nine months. Is there another Wile E Coyote moment or two still to come?
TIMING CAN MAKE OR BREAK THE ROI on an acquisition, divestiture, hedging, raising capital, deploying capital, etc. ls there a better time to execute? Could now be that time for a great ROI?
Consider bringing a guest or an associate and come hear about some of those external business outcomes that could double your money or shake your business to its core in 2015.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
7:30-8:00 am Continental Breakfast & Networking
8:00-9:00 am Presentation and Q&A
The Bow Valley Club
370, 250 – 6th Ave. SW
Kindly RSVP not later than Monday, April 13 to: