What you see before others = Opportunity
What others see before you = Threat
Arbitrage – to take advantage of mispriced future value, through either the buying or selling of securities, currency, commodities, or physical assets
Cyclical – occurring in cycles; recurrent
SBM Cyclical Arbitrage:
Our objective is to see market mispricing of future outcomes before others, using cyclical fundamental and Sentiment analyses
Come out and hear how You can take advantage of SBM Cyclical Arbitrage.
Consider inviting a guest or an associate
*This breakfast talk will be our annual fund raiser for the Calgary Foodbank. We ask that you donate $25 online, or at the door. A charitable tax receipt will be issued. Your receipt will be your ticket – please bring along for reference. Thank you
You may donate online at: https://calgaryfoodbank.akaraisin.com/Donation/Event/DonationInfo.aspx?seid=2121&mid=49
Select the Gift in Lieu option
As many of you already know, we have been undertaking a rebranding exercise over the past year. We are pleased to announce our corporate name change to Turnstone Strategy Inc. Changes to our website and all communiqués will be ongoing over the next month. Stay tuned!
Private Breakfast Seminar Hosted by Turnstone Strategy Inc. (formerly SBM Inc.)
7:30-8:00 am Cont. Breakfast & Networking
8:00-9:00 am Presentation and Q&A
Dining Room, Bow Valley Club
370, 250 – 6th Ave. SW
Calgary, AB
Duncan Robertson by:
Tues. December 9, 2014
Email: duncan@commoditycycle.com